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Multi-Class Classification of Primary Tumor Sites with Supervised Learning Methods.
In this paper, we compare four supervised machine learning algorithms and their average performance. We implemented a support-vector machine, logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors, and a random forest on a dataset containing primarily categorical data related to a patients symptoms. This task involved using this secondary information to predict the primary tumor site of patients.
Reinforcement Learning for a GridWorld inspired
maze task
This project uses reinforcement learning techniques to teach a computer agent how to navigate a maze-like environment in order to maximize a reward signal by evading bombs that are fixed in location. The agent ultimately learns the optimal path to the cell within the grid that is most rewarding; a chest. I use an on-policy first-visit Monte Carlo and a Q-Learning approach to this task
Supervised Learning for Binary Classification
In this mock-up paper, I use three supervised-learning algorithms to conduct a binary classification on three datasets acquired from the UCI machine learning repository. I compare the accuracy of a logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors, and random forest classifier.
Cognitive Ethnography | Hands-on
In this short post, I take some time to elaborate on my experience working as a research assistant at the San Diego Zoo. Routine visits for data collection on primates would allow me to deepen my own understanding of observational research. Abstractions pertaining to cognitive phenomena involving apes are helpful for better understanding human sociality.
Fish Market Analysis
As a team member, I helped contribute to an assignment where multivariate models were used to predict the weight of a fish given relevant parameters. This was done using an existing dataset, and models were compared using a cross-validation technique to assess the degree of error regarding the model's predictions.
Bilingualism & Executive Function
A mock-up research proposal that seeks to evaluate our current understanding of second language acquisition and its contribution to working memory, cognitive flexibility, and inhibition.
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